Tuesday 9 August 2016

Learn about being a data scientist from your daily routine

Learn Data Science from Your Daily Life

Have you ever considered the impact of your morning routine on your career as a data scientist? Let us consider a normal start to a day for an average person. You get out of after turning off the snooze for the nth time. Then you switch on the geyser and brush your teeth and maybe even check your emails. You then rush and dress for the day and decide that you have to skip breakfast if you have to make it on time for office. Then you get into the car on time but reach your office late because of the excruciating traffic. It is just 9 am and you are already irritated with the day.

Taking the alternative route

In the same scenario what if you decide to get up as soon as the alarm rings. You have enough time to have your breakfast. You decide to take an alternative route that is though longer but much less likely to have the office traffic. So you reach well before time. You are already in a happy mood and look forward to a good day in office. So how does this have a part to play in you having a successful career as a data scientist?
This is what data analysis and data science is all about. You manipulate the data available to you in order to solve your problem. You have to collect the available data, manipulate it, interpret it in a certain way and by using mathematical and statistical techniques, solve the problem! Using the hypothesis will help you to make a situation much easier and the analysis will help you to streamline the data in a way that will be useful in the future.

Using data or big data?

Big data is basically a group or set of data that is so large that it gets complex to decipher it on their own. You need to analyse the big data by searching, transferring and sharing it. Data scientists use many different techniques to extract some actual value from the big data at hand. So data analysis is basically a part of the data scientists job to use intricate and complex steps that will help them to decipher this particular data. So when we are talking from the point of view of a data scientist, we are always considering big data and not data in the form that we know.

Learning about data analysis from the morning schedule

So when we are talking about the morning meeting, we are technically talking about big data. By understand and analysis the data at hand, you can easily know if the different ways in which you can make your morning routine better in order to have a happier day. By analysis the bag data and deciphering the best ways to conduct yourself in the morning, you will know of the ways that will make your morning less hectic and more enjoyable.
Thus you can actually become a better data scientist buy just evaluating your daily routine itself! 

If you are planning analytics courses like data scientist, data analysis, and big data then consult Beamsync. It’s a top training institute for business analytics courses in Bangalore. Training available for both classroom and online training. For upcoming schedules please visit: http://beamsync.com/business-analytics-training-bangalore/

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